
You can change your Telegram number here. Your account and all your cloud data — messages, media, contacts, etc. will be moved to the new number.

**Important:** all your Telegram contacts will get your **new number** added to their address book, provided they had your old number and you haven't blocked them in Telegram
Zdesĵ Vy možete smenitĵ nomer telefona. Vaš akkaunt i vse dannye (soobśeniä, media, kontakty i t. d.) budut pereneseny na novyj nomer.

**Važno:** Vašim kontaktam v Telegram budet avtomatičeski dobavlen v adresnuü knigu Vaš **novyj nomer**, esli u nih byl staryj nomer i Vy ne zablokirovali ih.
Vahvistus, Dec 15, 2018 at 22:37