
We're very sorry, but this means we must part ways here. Unlike others, we don't use your data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a secure and feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how we use your data in Privacy & Security settings.

But if you're generally not OK with Telegram's modest requirements, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this service. You can delete your account now — or look around some more and delete it later if you feel you're not happy with the way we use your data.
K sožaleniü, v ětom slučae pridetsä otkazatĵsä ot ispolĵzovaniä Telegram. 

V otličie ot drugih servisov, my ne ispolĵzuem Vaši dannye dlä reklamy i inyh kommerčeskih celej. Na serverah hranitsä tolĵko ta informaciä, kotoraä pozvoläet Vam polnocenno polĵzovatĵsä Telegram. Vy možete regulirovatĵ dostup k svoim dannym v nastrojkah priloženiä, v razdele Konfidencialĵnostĵ i bezopasnostĵ.

Esli Vy ne gotovy predostavitĵ minimalĵnye nužnye dannye , uvy, my ne smožem obespečitĵ rabotu Telegram. Vy možete udalitĵ akkaunt — ili sperva osmotretĵsä i udalitĵ akkaunt pozže, esli ostanutsä somneniä.
Vahvistus, Dec 15, 2018 at 22:44