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Since the account **%1$s** is active and protected by a password, it will be deleted in **1 week** –. This delay is required for security purposes.
You can cancel thisis done for security purposes.
You can cancel the deletionprocess anytime.
You can cancel this
You can cancel the deletion
Glede na to, da je račun **%1$s** aktiven in varovan z geslom, bo izbrisan čez 1 teden. Ta zamik je zahtevan iz varnostnih razlogov.
Ta postopek lahko prekličete kadarkoli.
Ta postopek lahko prekličete kadarkoli.
1 comment
Pur3BoltDec 22, 2021 at 09:03
A rather direct translation. Because the variable name can be female or male, the sentence is formed in such a way that both scenarios sound natural.
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