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ሁሉም ዉይይቶች ይታዩ
1 comment
Dec 21, 2021 at 12:05
Use a better word for 'chat'
ሁሉንም ውይይቶች አሳይ
1 comment
Dec 21, 2021 at 22:13
The previous translation uses the word "ሁሉም". Even though both "ሁሉም" and "ሁሉንም" are correct translations for the word all, they differ in usage. "ሁሉም" is used when quantifying a subject while "ሁሉንም" is used when quantifying objects. For exampple, if we are translating the sentence "All oranges are fruits.", we will use "ሁሉም". But if we are translating the sentence "Cut all the oranges.", we are going to use "ሁሉንም". Another change I applied is using the word "አሳይ" instead of "ይታዩ". "አሳይ" is a word that shows command which aligns with the context of the sentence.
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