Log InCritical
Somebody with access to **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by *changing your phone number*.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by *changing your phone number*.
Note that text between just one asterisk (*) means it will be a link.
某個對 **%1$s** 有訪問權限嘅人已經發起咗刪除你嘅Telegram帳號並重新設置你嘅雙重驗證密碼嘅請求。
如果呢個唔係你嘅話,請你輸入我哋啱啱透過SMS sent畀你嘅驗證碼。你亦可以透過 *更改你嘅電話號碼* 嚟Can咗呢個請求。
如果呢個唔係你嘅話,請你輸入我哋啱啱透過SMS sent畀你嘅驗證碼。你亦可以透過 *更改你嘅電話號碼* 嚟Can咗呢個請求。
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