
Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of TDLib fatal error.

Press **Launch App** to try again. If application continues to fail, follow these steps:

• [Verify](%2$s) you have the latest Telegram X version installed.
• Restart your device.

**SIf the steps above do not help**

1. Share error details with TDLib developers using one of the following ways:
— Privately via [@tdlib_bot]( by using another device or [Telegram Web](
— Publicly via [GitHub page]( **Do not** share **tdlib_log.txt** publicly.
2. Kindly wait for the response.
3. Change log settings below as requested by TDLib developers.
4. Press **Launch App** to make app force stop again.
5. Press **Launch App**Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developers and wait for the problem to makebe resolved.
6. Once updated, you'll be able to launch
app force stop again.
6. Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developer

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chat
s and wait fordata will be restored from the problem to be resolved.
7. Once updated, you'll be able to launch app normally.

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chats and data will be restored from the
Telegram cloud.