If enabled, you can take screenshots of the app, but the system will display your chats in the task switcher even when the passcode is on.
You may need to restart the app for this to take effect.
You may need to restart the app for this to take effect.
If enabled,disabled, chat content will be hidden in the task switcher but you canwon't be able to take screenshots ofin the app, but the system will display your chats in the task switcher even when the passcode is on.
You may need to restart the app for this to take effect.
You may need to restart the app for this to take effect
If enabled, you can take screenshots ofin the app, but chat content will be shown in the system will display your chats intask switcher.
You may need to restart thetask switcher even when the passcode is on.
You may needapp for this to restart the app for this to take effect.
You may need to restart the
You may need
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