You changed the group photo
የቡድኑን መለያ ምስል ቀይረዋል
1 comment
Dec 19, 2021 at 07:27
As opposed to the previous translation I have removed the word እርስዎ, which is the Amharic word for "You" and this is because the verb ቀይረዋል is already indicating that the action has been taken by the user, so it would have been redundant to include the word እርስዎ.
I also changed the word የቡድን መለያ to የቡድኑን መለያ ምስል. the former one is a close translation to the phrase "The Group's Identifier" but the latter one is a close translation to the phrase "The Group's identifying photo"
I also changed the word የቡድን መለያ to የቡድኑን መለያ ምስል. the former one is a close translation to the phrase "The Group's Identifier" but the latter one is a close translation to the phrase "The Group's identifying photo"
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