
Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of TDLib fatal error.

Press **Launch App** to try again. If application continues to fail, follow these steps:

• [Verify](%2$s) you have the latest Telegram X version installed.
• Restart your device.

**SIf the steps above do not help**

1. Share error details with TDLib developers using one of the following ways:
— Privately via [@tdlib_bot]( by using another device or [Telegram Web](
— Publicly via [GitHub page]( **Do not** share **tdlib_log.txt** publicly.
2. Kindly wait for the response.
3. Change log settings below as requested by TDLib developers.
4. Press **Launch App** to make app force stop again.
5. Press **Launch App**Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developers and wait for the problem to makebe resolved.
6. Once updated, you'll be able to launch
app force stop again.
6. Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developer

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chat
s and wait fordata will be restored from the problem to be resolved.
7. Once updated, you'll be able to launch app normally.

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chats and data will be restored from the
Telegram cloud.
Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of TDLib fatal error.

Press **Launch App** to try again. If application continues to fail, follow these steps:

• [Verify](%2$s) you have the latest Telegram X version installed.
• Restart your device.

**If the steps above do not help**

1. Share error details with TDLib developers using one of the following ways:
— Privately via [@tdlib_bot]( by using another device or [Telegram Web](
— Publicly via [GitHub page]( **Do not** share **tdlib_log.txt** publicly.
2. Kindly wait for the response.
3. Change log settings below as requested by TDLib developers.
4. Press **Launch App** to make app force stop again.
5. Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developers and wait for the problem to be resolved.
6. Once updated, you'll be able to launch app normally.

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chats and data will be restored from the Telegram cloud.
Nice Giraffe, Aug 30, 2021 at 17:21
由於 TDLib 出現嚴重錯誤,所以令到 Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of開唔到。


• [檢查](%2$s)係唔係已經裝咗最新嘅 Telegram X 版本。
• 重啟裝置。


1. 用下面其中一個方法向
TDLib fatal error.

Press **Launch App** to try again. If application continues to fail, follow these steps:

• [Verify](%2$s) you have the latest
 — 用其他機或者[Telegram 網頁版](,透過 [@tdlib_bot]( 私下提供。
 — 透過 [GitHub 網站](公開提供。**請勿**公開分享**tdlib_log.txt**。
2. 耐心等待開發人員回覆。
3. 根據 TDLib 開發人員嘅要求,更改下面嘅日誌設定。
4. 撳**啟動程式**令程式再次強制停止。
5. 同 TDLib 開發人員分享 **tdlib_log.txt** 同等待問題得到解決。
6. 更新之後,你將能夠正常啟動程式。


• 喺 [GitHub]( 揾類似嘅問題,睇吓有冇通用解決方案。
• 重新安裝程式(密斟將會無晒)。如果你用嘅係同一個手機號碼,則會喺
Telegram X version installed.
• Restart your device.

**If the steps above do not help**

1. Share error details with TDLib developers using one of the following ways:
— Privately via [@tdlib_bot]( by using another device or [Telegram Web](
— Publicly via [GitHub page]( **Do not** share **tdlib_log.txt** publicly.
2. Kindly wait for the response.
3. Change log settings below as requested by TDLib developers.
4. Press **Launch App** to make app force stop again.
5. Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developers and wait for the problem to be resolved.
6. Once updated, you'll be able to launch app normally.

**Alternative options**

• Search for similar issues on [GitHub]( to see if there are common solutions.
• Reinstall the app. Secret chats will be lost. If you use same phone number you were logged in, all other chats and data will be restored from the Telegram cloud.
Tony Wong, Mar 24, 2019 at 05:47