
**Firebase Services** have failed to function properly due to error: %1$s

Notifications may arrive with big delays or not arrive at all without them.

Please make sure:
• Google Play Services are installed and up-to-date:
• Telegram X is up-to-date
• Firebase services are enabled
• They are not blocked by your Internet service or DNS provider
• If you have firewall or ad blocking software, Firebase domains are whitelisted
• You can see 404 message in a browser on this page:
• System date and time is correct
• Problem doesn't go away after restarting your device
• All system updates are installed.
• You are using the **official** version of Telegram X: @tgx_log

If the steps above do not help, try again with VPN that you trust, as it might want to share the detailed error report to @tgandroidtests and look up for additional troubleshooting tips forbe caused by Internet censorship applied by authorities in your deviceregion.