Log in here to translate Telegram apps. Please enter your phone number in the international format and we will send a confirmation message to your account via Telegram.
We've just sent you a message.Please confirm access via Telegram
Account information:
UID: @hieubin203
Phone number: +84975974606
Gmail: saovangyt1@gmail.com
Thank you and regards. Le Ngoc Hieu.
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 11.1.3 (52442)
OS version: SDK 33
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 11.6.2 (56152)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2006C3LG
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 11.1.3 (52442)
OS version: SDK 33
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
Hello Telegram team this phone number +21652972265 has been banned I don't know why please help I really need this account.
App version: 11.6.2 (56152)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2006C3LG
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
Hello Telegram team this phone number +21652972265 has been banned I don't know why please help I really need this account.
App version: 11.6.2 (56152)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2006C3LG
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
Hello Telegram team this phone number +21652972265 has been banned I don't know why please help I really need this account.
App version: 11.6.2 (56152)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2006C3LG
Locale: en US
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
Hello Telegram team this phone number +21652972265 has been banned I don't know why please help I really need this account.
App version: 11.6.2 (56152)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2006C3LG
Locale: en US
Dear Sir/Ma'am.
MY number +86 176 2150 6582 been banned and I found out last Sunday that my account was banned for no reason. I am extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely anxious to use it because it contains a lot of materials and contacts that I need. This account is very important to me, and I have put a lot of effort into it. Additionally, I am a premium member. Please help me to unblock it as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
This is my penal number and connected to my friends, family members and business partners so now i got disconnected with all. So i request to you please unbanned my number. Thank you.
Kuldeep Prajapati
App version: 11.3.3 (53962)
OS version: SDK 34
Device Name: vivoI2223
Locale: en
My Office phone number mentioned here was banned recently, A Hacker go into my account and got hold of my personal information. And did illegal activities. I filed complaints and got no responses. Please look into this I need the account urgently.
I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: +919559561106
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 11.2.3 (53352)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: RealmeRMX1827
Locale: en
Thanks and Regards.
I am not violated any rules of telegram, why my Telegram number is banned?please bring back my number. thanks Telegram team
I am not violated any rules of telegram, why my Telegram number is banned?please bring back my number. thanks Telegram team
Estoy intentando usar mi número: +529284328
Pero Telegram dice que no es válido. Por favor, ayuda.
Versión de la app:
Idioma: XhttpswwwopensslorgX-android-x-local
Idioma del sistema: es-MX
Versión del sistema: 14 (34)
I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: +2348065212100
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
This is my personal number and I use it connect with all my friends, family members and business partners, I got disconnected with all.so please I request for you to please unbanned my number.
Thank you
I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: 2349118096427
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
This is my personal number and I use it connect with all my friends, family members and business partners so no I got disconnected with all.so please I request for you to please unbanned my number.
Thank you
Username: Dicesman001
Number: +2349118096427
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 10.15.1 (50682)
OS version: SDK 34
Device Name: OPPOCPH2607
Locale: en
I have all my information and institutional groups and documents in this telegram pls recover it
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 10.15.1 (50682)
OS version: SDK 34
Device Name: OPPOCPH2607
Locale: en
But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.
App version: 10.14.5 (49452)
OS version: SDK 34
Device Name: samsungSM-A235F
Locale: en
Hello, Telegram administration, I haven't sent a spam message to anyone, why are you blocking me? Please restore the account and the group on it. I really need it. Please check Telegram now.