
You can use Fragment, a third-party service, to transfer **%@** to the TON blockchain. After that, you can manage it as an NFT with any TON wallet application.

You can also move such NFTs back to
your TONelegram account. After that, you can manage it as an NFT with any TON wallet outside Telegram.

You can also move such NFTs back to your Telegram account
via Fragment.
你可以使用第三方服务 Fragment 将 **%@** 转移到 TON 区块链。之后你可以用任何 TON 钱包应用将其作为 NFT 管理。

你也可以通过 Fragment 将此类 NFT 转回到你的 Telegram 账号。
Fair Dog, Jan 31 at 12:15