We're very sorry, butUnfortunately, there are no other options. Unlike other apps, Telegram does not use user data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how your data is used in Privacy and Security settings.
If you are not comfortable with Telegram's modest needs, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this means we must part ways here. Unlike others, we don't use your data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how we use your data (e.g., delete synced contacts) in Privacy & Security settings.
But if you're generally not OK with Telegram's modest requirements, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this service.
很抱歉,閣下將無法註冊 Telegram 帳戶。與其他程式不同,我們從來不會將用戶的數據用作廣告追蹤或者其他商業用途。Telegram 僅儲存這些資訊以提供功能豐富的雲端服務。您可以在「私隱與安全」設定中控制您的數據將如何被利用(例如刪除已同步聯絡人)。
若閣下仍無法接受 Telegram 為數不多的需求,我們將無法提供此服務。