
Warning, this will irreversibly delete your Telegram account along withnd all the data you store in the Telegram cloud.

Important: You can cCancel now and export your data before deleting your accounfirst instead of losing it. (To all. (To do this, open the latest version of Telegram Desktop and go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.)
ማሳሰቢያ፦ ይህ የቴሌግራም አካውንቶትን ከሁሉም ክላውድ ላይ ካስቀመጡት መረጃ ጋር ላይመለስ ያጠፋዋል።
አስፈላጊ፦ መረጃዎትን እንዳለ ከማጣት ይልቅ አካውንቶትን ማጥፋትዎን አሁን አቁመው መረጃዎትን ወደ ውጫዊ አካል መላክ ይችላሉ። (ይህን ለማረግ አዲሱን የቴሌግራም የዴስክቶፕ ስሪት በመክፈት ወደ መቼቶች > የላቀ > የቴሌግራም መረጃን ላክ ይሂዱ)
Jedidiah, Dec 21, 2021 at 09:45
1 comment
JedidiahDec 21, 2021 at 10:54Reply
The reason why I used "አካውንቶትን" instead of "መለያዎትን" is because the later merely translates into "your identity" which is inappropriate in this context and not understood by many. I also used "ክላውድ" to translate "cloud" instead of "ደመና" because it's more understandable since we mainly use borrowed words from English in case of computer or internet terms.