%1$s is using an older version of Telegram, so disappearing photos will be shown in compatibility mode.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in 'TapPress and hold to view' mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in '
Appears when trying to send a photo with a timer to a secret chat with a user whose app is seriously antiquated. Not very realistic at the moment.
%1$s is using an older version of Telegram, so disappearing photos will be shown in compatibility mode.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in 'Press and hold to view' mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in 'Press and hold to view' mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot.
%1$s is using an older version of Telegram, so disappearing photos will be shown in compatibility mode.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in "Touch'Press and hold to view'" mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot.
Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in "Touch
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