
Warning, this will irreversibly delete your Telegram account along withnd all the data you store in the Telegram cloud.

Important: You can cCancel now and export your data before deleting your accounfirst instead of losing it. (To all. (To do this, open the latest version of Telegram Desktop and go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.)
警告!呢個操作將會永久 delete 你嘅 Telegram account 同埋全部喺 Telegram 雲端儲存嘅 data,而且無得還原。

重要:你可以而家 cancel 先,然後喺 delete account 之前匯出你嘅 data,就唔會無晒啲資料。要噉做,請喺最新版本嘅 Telegram 桌面版,去設定 > 進階 > 匯出 Telegram 資料。
Tony Wong, Sep 17, 2020 at 11:11