
Neither Telegram, nor %1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.\n\n

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank.
Neither Telegram, nor %1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank.
Fair Leopard, Jan 30, 2020 at 16:51
Neither Telegram, norТелеграм æмæ %1$s нæ исынц бацæуæны информаци дæ картæмæ. Картæйы хабæрттæ æрвыст цæуынц æрмæст фиддонты системæмæ %2$s.

Фиддонтæ æрвыст цæуынц %1$s-ы аразæгмæ. Телеграм ницы бæрндзинад исы йæхимæ. Кæд исты проблемæтæ фæзына, уæд ныффыс
%1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank
аразæгмæ æви дæ банкмæ.
😎, Jul 10, 2019 at 12:32