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Somebody with access to **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number** to a number you control.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**
Please make sure the text isn't longer than the English one or check that it fits.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**
Кæд ды нæ уыдтæ, уæд дæ код ныффыс, кæцы дын ныр арвыстам SMSы.
If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**
Кæд ды нæ уыдтæ, уæд дæ код ныффысс, кæцы дын ныр арвыстам SMSы.
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