
Log InCritical
Somebody with access to **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number** to a number you control.
Please make sure the text isn't longer than the English one or check that it fits.
Somebody with access to **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**.
Fair Leopard, Jun 3, 2022 at 14:03
Somebody with access toЧидæр курдиат арвыста цæмæй дын дæ аккаунт схафæм **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**
æмæ цæмæй дыууæ-къахдзæф басгарст ахицæн кæнæм.

Кæд ды нæ уыдтæ, уæд дæ код ныффыс, кæцы дын ныр арвыстам SMSы
😎, Jul 4, 2019 at 13:39
Somebody with access toЧидæр курдиат арвыста цæмæй дын дæ аккаунт схафæм **%1$s** has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number**
æмæ цæмæй дыууæ-къахдзæф басгарст ахицæн кæнæм.

Кæд ды нæ уыдтæ, уæд дæ код ныффысс, кæцы дын ныр арвыстам SMSы
Таму Бтемыраты, Feb 5, 2021 at 20:36