While the free version of Telegram already gives its users more than any other messaging application, **Telegram Premium** pushes its capabilities even further.
**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.
**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.
While the free version of Telegram already gives its users more than any other messaging application, **Telegram Premium** pushes its capabilities even further.
**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.
**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.
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