
If you allow access, your contacts are continuously synced with Telegram. Thanks to this, you can easily switch to Telegram without losingand immediately connect with friends across all your existing social graph –devices. We use data about your contacts to let you know when they join Telegram, and connect with friends across allto display them by the name you set for them in your devices. We use data aboutphone.

You can disable contact syncing or delete
your stored contacts to let you know when they join Telegram. We also use it to make sure that you see the names you have in your phone book instead of the screen names people choose for themselves.

You can disable contact syncing or delete your stored contacts in
Settings > Privacy & Security on Telegram's mobile apps.
如果您授权 Telegram,您的联系人信息将会被即时同步到 Telegram 云服务器。正因如此,您可以在任何设备中通过 Telegram 维系您原来的社交圈。我们将这些信息用于在您的联系人加入 Telegram 时通知您,同时这些信息也将用来保证您看到的是联系人在通讯录中的名字,而不是他们在 Telegram 中的填写的姓名。

您可以停止同步联系人信息,或将它们从云端删除。要如此做,请前往 Telegram 移动版应用中的设置项「隐私和安全」。
Nice Giraffe, Nov 10, 2018 at 15:11
1 comment
William YuAug 16 at 17:14Reply