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Telegram na rozdíl od ostatních aplikací nepoužívá vaše osobní údaje k cílení reklam. Sponzorované zprávy na Telegramu se odvíjí výhradně od témat veřejných kanálů, na kterých se zobrazují. To znamená, že nedochází ke shromažďování ani analýze dat k marketingovým účelům a sponzorované zprávy se zobrazují všem uživatelům stejně.
First, word order is adjusted to give more prominence to the contrast between „this theme“ (end of preceding sentence) and „old theme“, which is placed in the front position. Moreover, the prepositional phrase „in X seconds“ is a dependent constituent of the verb and so it is put closer to it to not separate it with the object „old theme“.
Second, the preposition „in“ was wrongly interpreted by using “během“ to mean „in the course of“ while also applying incorrect declension („během“ goes with genitive while the applied form is accusative). The correct preposition „za“ is used to fix both meaning (to mean „after X seconds go by“) and form („za“ collocates with accusative).
Third, the word „minulý“ (past) was changed to „původní“ (former) to make the reference more specific.
Např.: 23letý student z Brna
The word „město“ (city) was changed to „bydliště“ (place of residence) because „město“ as a standalone word is too general and in most cases would need to be specified (e.g., the city where you live).
Lastly, the example was changed back from 24 to 23 y.o. because I don’t see any reason for this change. The city Brno is only used to illustrate that this part of the translation offers some space for ideological expression (it can help to convey any stance or narrative that Telegram assumes). If we wanted to convey the connotation of San Francisco as a cultural center, we could use „Karlovy Vary“ where internation film festivals are held yearly. Although this would be at a cost of space.