Bots And PaymentsCritical
The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services.
بات از شماره تلفن شما آگاه خواهد شد. این ربات از شماره تلفن شما اطلاعبرای همگامسازی در دیگر خدمات مفید خواهد یافت. این موضوع میتواند برای همگامسازی با سایر سرویسها مفید باشبود.
این ربات از شماره تلفن شما اطلاعرا خواهد یافدانست. این موضوع به همگامسازی با سایر سرویسها کمک میتواند برای همگامسازی با سایر سرویسها مفید باشکند.
1 comment
Dec 22, 2021 at 17:11
- The correct translation for "know" in Farsi is "دانستن" and not "اطلاع داشتن".
- As obvious as it is :) the translation is shorter and has the same length as the English one with more fluent reading.
- Instead of "برای ... مفید باشد" which is the literal translation of "being useful for ...", I preferred to use "به ... کمک میکند". The word "مفید" is not something we use for functionality. That word describes actions or substances which keeps a system healthy.
- I resist to translate "can" as "میتواند". As the user doesn't know how exactly that integration happens, there is no difference between "being able to use" and "use" in his/her eyes.
- As obvious as it is :) the translation is shorter and has the same length as the English one with more fluent reading.
- Instead of "برای ... مفید باشد" which is the literal translation of "being useful for ...", I preferred to use "به ... کمک میکند". The word "مفید" is not something we use for functionality. That word describes actions or substances which keeps a system healthy.
- I resist to translate "can" as "میتواند". As the user doesn't know how exactly that integration happens, there is no difference between "being able to use" and "use" in his/her eyes.
ربات از شماره تلفن شما مطلع خواهد شد.این ربات از شماره تلفن شما اطلاعبرای همگام سازی در سایر خدمات مفید خواهد یافت. این موضوع میتواند برای همگامسازی با سایر سرویسها مفید باشبود.
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