
Classy Beaver, Oct 23, 2018 at 11:54
Iván, Dec 11, 2018 at 18:28
Classy BeaverAug 30, 2019 at 17:30Reply
“Conversa” is a long word and it won't fit good everywhere in every app, so it's better to use “Chat”.

If would be great if you could focus on translating pending strings and finding issues on already translated ones (first on iOS, Android and TDesktop) rather than flooding with suggestions that just replace a word with another. 🙏
IvánAug 30, 2019 at 18:07Reply
Classy Beaver
“Conversa” is a long word and it won't fit good everywhere in every app, so it's better to use “Chat”. -- If would be great if you could focus on translating pending strings and finding issues on already translated ones (first on iOS, Android and TDesktop) rather than flooding with suggestions that just replace a word with another. 🙏
In the telegram group we have reached a consensus that 'chat' is meaningless because it is a bad translation.
We want a new person by popular vote to leave the telegram group to accept translations on this platform and so our work is rewarded and not as it happens now, which has more votes and is not accepted, that is unfair, so we request a New person who knows Galician, not like now.
We also request our own administrators in the telegram group, as in the Catalan community. Or are we less?
IvánAug 30, 2019 at 18:09Reply
Classy Beaver
“Conversa” is a long word and it won't fit good everywhere in every app, so it's better to use “Chat”. -- If would be great if you could focus on translating pending strings and finding issues on already translated ones (first on iOS, Android and TDesktop) rather than flooding with suggestions that just replace a word with another. 🙏
We have reached several consensus with many words:
Invite - Convidar
Chat - Coversa
So accept the popular vote, that many are working on the whim of one.