You can use Fragment, a third-party service, to transfer **%@** to the TON blockchain. After that, you can manage it as an NFT with any TON wallet application.
You can also move such NFTs back to your TONelegram account. After that, you can manage it as an NFT with any TON wallet outside Telegram.
You can also move such NFTs back to your Telegram account via Fragment.
You can also move such NFTs back to your T
You can also move such NFTs back to your Telegram account
Poți folosi Fragment, un serviciu terț, pentru a transfera **%@** către blockchain-ulcontul tău TON. După asta, îl poți gestiona ca pe un NFT cu orice portofel TON înafara Telegram.
De asemenea poți muta astfel de NFT-uri înapoi pe contul tău de Telegram prin Fragment.
De asemenea poți muta astfel de NFT-uri înapoi pe contul tău de Telegram prin Fragment.
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