
We're very sorry, butUnfortunately, there are no other options. Unlike other apps, Telegram does not use user data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how your data is used in Privacy and Security settings.

If you are not comfortable with Telegram's modest needs, it won't be possible for us to provide you with
this means we must part ways here. Unlike others, we don't use your data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how we use your data (e.g., delete synced contacts) in Privacy & Security settings.

But if you're generally not OK with Telegram's modest needs, it won't be possible for us to provide this service. You can deactivate your account now — or look around some more and deactivate it later if you feel you're not happy with the way we use your data
Tyvärr finns inga andra alternativ. Till skillnad mot andra appar använder Telegram inte användardata för riktad annonsering eller andra kommersiella ändamål. Telegram lagrar endast den information som behövs för en funktionsrik molntjänst. Du kan välja hur din data används i inställningar för Integritet och Säkerhet.

Om du inte känner dig bekväm med Telegrams modesta krav kommer det inte vara möjligt för oss att tillhandahålla vår tjänst.
Erik Lennartsson, Sep 24, 2022 at 19:53