Log in here to translate Telegram apps. Please enter your phone number in the international format and we will send a confirmation message to your account via Telegram.
We've just sent you a message.Please confirm access via Telegram
any other application.
**ቴሌግራም** ከየትኛውም መተግበሪያ በተሻለ ፍጥነት መልዕክቶችን ያደርሳል።
**ነፃ** እና **አስተማማኝ**.
በ*አገልግሎት ውሉ* ይስማማሉ።
There is no good translation for the word 'profile', but there are a few relating terms. I think the one I suggested is common and simple. Some other terms would not feel as smooth.
Some of the other given suggestions are also good. I wanted to ascertain the need for the direct translation for the word 'automatically' and 'confirm' to completely capture the meaning.
ይህ ሰው እርስዎ ካልሆኑ፣ ወደ ስልክ ቁጥርዎ በፅሁፍ መልእክት የላክንልዎትን ኮድ ያስገቡ። እንዲሁም **ስልክ ቁጥርዎን በመቀየር ይህንን ማቋረጥ ይችላሉ።
Some of the issues I corrected are the Amharic (Geez) numbers, which I felt there was no need to use here as they are not common, and using them would be more confusing than helpful. Few other good translations did not completely capture the message and had some spacing issues, which I fixed.
Some of the Issues I corrected from previous suggestions are the references 'you' and 'this'; they were not following the formal grammar and spelling rules for the Amharic language.
Some of the issues I fixed are the reference 'this' was not correctly translated in the previous suggestions. The word 'chat' was also not correctly translated, it was translated as a message, I changed that to a better-relating term which is discussion.
መለያዎትን እንደገና ካስጀመሩ ሁሉም መልዕክቶችዎ እና ውይይቶችዎ ይወገዳሉ።
* the mention of "ባለቤት" (owner) instead of "አስተዳዳሪ" which is the actual term for admin
* violation of the word order of the Amharic language
* excess use of some terms, as the term "አግደዎታል" expresses "have restricted you" and there's no need to say "እርሶ" (you) again
ጥሪውን አይቀበሉ ፣ ቴሌግራም ሁሉንም ነገር በራሱ ይፈፅመዋል ፡፡