This group was upgraded to a supergroup
Este grupo fuese ha convertido en un supergrupo
1 comment
Dec 20, 2021 at 20:50
I think this is the most accurate translation obtaining the best part of older translations.
Este grupo fue convertidose convirtió en un supergrupo
1 comment
Dec 19, 2021 at 19:32
Changes meaning from "has been upgraded" to "was upgraded"
Este grupo fue convertido en unmejorado a supergrupo
1 comment
Dec 22, 2021 at 21:35
I think since the word used to describe the action occurring is "upgrade", it would be more accurate to change the word "convertido" to "mejorado"
1) This group was upgraded to a
Someone else's suggestion: Este grupo fue convertido
en un supergrupo.
My suggestion: Este grupo fue ascendido
a supergrupo.
"Convertir (en)" has
sense as to the desirability or otherwise of what results from the conversion
process in question. By using the term "ascender a", the result of
this conversion to a higher state is implied, which in turn produces a positive
stimulus in the user's mind.
1) This group was upgraded to a supergroup
Someone else's suggestion: Este grupo fue convertido
en un supergrupo.
My suggestion: Este grupo fue ascendido a supergrupo.
"Convertir (en)" has
stimulus in the user's mind.
Add Translation
Este grupo fue convertido en un supergrupo.
Este grupo fue ascendido a supergrupo.
"Convertir (en)" has an ambiguous sense as to the desirability or otherwise of what results from the conversion process in question. By using the term "ascender a", the result of this conversion to a higher state is implied, which in turn produces a positive stimulus in the user's mind.