
Are you sure you want to disable proxy server %1$s? You can reenable it later in the Settings > Data later (Data and Storage).
Anda yakin ingin mematikan server proxy %1$s? Anda dapat menyalakan kembali di Pengaturan (Data dan Penyimpanan) lain waktu.
Melisa Lil Panda 𝕏, Nov 7, 2018 at 03:10
Apakah Anda yakin ingin mematikan server proxy %1$s? Anda dapat menyalakannya kembali di Pengaturan lain waktu (Data dan Penyimpanan) lain waktu.
ThestorSel, Dec 19, 2021 at 06:45
1 comment
ThestorSelDec 19, 2021 at 06:45Reply
The current Indonesian translation has some minor issues associated with integrity, formality, and clarity.

First of all, the original sentence begins with the phrase "Are you sure", which should be translated to "Apakah Anda yakin". In the current translation, the word "Apakah" is removed, which is equivalent to removing the word "What" in the original version. Although the message can still be understood clearly, this change creates an unwanted sense of informality. In other words, removing the word "Apakah" is fine for casual conversations but not for formal matters like in this context. Because of that, I added the "Apakah" word back to maintain the formality and integrity of the translation.

Second of all, the current translation is missing the suffix "-nya" on the word "menyalakan". The English equivalent to this suffix is the word "it". In other words, removing the suffix "-nya" from "menyalakannya" would mean "reenable" instead of "reenable it". In addition, it is improper in Indonesian and English to omit objects for transitive verbs. The current Indonesian version removes the object by omitting the "-nya". Because of that, to improve the clarity and integrity of the translation, I added the suffix "-nya" to the word "menyalakan" in my translation.

Last but not least, the current Indonesian translation seems to have a different structure from the original version. In the original version, the words in the brackets "(Data and Storage)" are positioned at the end of the sentence. Meanwhile, in Indonesian, the brackets "(Data dan Penyimpanan)" are positioned in the middle of the sentence. Although this does not necessarily change the meaning of the sentence, maintaining the integrity of the translation is still our priority. Because of that, I moved the brackets to the end of the sentence to match the original version.
Andakamui yakin ingin mematikan server proxy %1$s? Andakamu dapat menyalakan kembali di Ppengaturan (Data dan Penyimpanan) lain waktu.
Deleted Account, Aug 30, 2021 at 19:06
Anda yakin ingin mematikanSido mateni server proxyVpn %1$s? Anda dapat menyalakan kembaliisok di Pengaturan (Data dan Penyimpanan) lain waktuurupno nang pengaturan (gudang gua) kapan ae.
Deleted Account, Apr 21, 2022 at 17:26