
We now have enough data to measure the relative effectiveness of major climate solutions. This simulator lets you see which ones would work best.


The Best Way to Slow Global Warming? You Decide in This Climate Simulator

The Best Way It was on Earth Day 2016 when more than 170 nations signed the Paris Agreement calling for limiting global warming "to Slow Global Warming? You Decide in This Climate Simulator
It was on Earth Day 2016 when more than 170 nations signed the Paris Agreement calling for limiting global warming to
well below 2°C".
You can suggest a different IV relevant for your region. No need to translate for custom languages.
Sekarang kami memiliki data untuk mengukur efektivitas relatif dari solusi iklim utama. Simulator ini memungkinkan untuk melihat mana yang paling berhasil.


Cara Terbaik Untuk Memperlambat Pemanasan Global? Anda yang menentukan.
Pada Hari Bumi 2016 di mana 170 bangsa menandatangani Persetujuan Paris, yang menyerukan untuk membatasi pemanasan global “hingga di bawah 2°C.”
Melisa Lil Panda 𝕏, May 16, 2020 at 16:36