
Please note that Telegram Support is done by volunteers. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may take a while.

Please take a look at the <a href="">Telegram FAQ</a>: it has answers to most questions and important tips for <a href="">troubleshooting</a>.
Unutmang, Telegram qoʻllab-quvvatlash xizmati faqat koʻngillilar tomonidan yuritiladi. Biz imkon qadar tezroq javob berishga harakat qilamiz, lekin bu biroz vaqt olishi mumkin.

Iltimos, <a href="">Telegram TTS</a>ni ko‘rib chiqing: unda ko‘pgina savollarga javoblar va <a href="">muammolarni bartaraf etish</a> bo‘yicha muhim maslahatlar mavjud.
Asrorbek Sultanov, Jul 25, 2023 at 14:13