Sorry, you can't send messages to this channel.
متأسفانه شما نمیتوانیداجازه ارسال پیام به این کانال پیامی ارسال کنید.را ندارید
متأسفانهاسفانه، شما نمیتوانید بهامکان انتشار پیام در این کانال پیامی ارسال کنرا ندارید.
1 comment
Dec 22, 2021 at 14:22
I think in this one context is the key. This message is for when someone not being an admin of a channel tries to send a message in there. Since what admins of a channel do is broadcasting a message so using a term in Persian that shows the context is the key. Since it should be different from messages people receive when they are not allowed to send messages to groups I used a different term related to the context of a channel. something none of the translations have.
متأسفانهاسفیم، شما نمی توانید به این کانال پیامی ارسال کنید. بفرستید
1 comment
Dec 22, 2021 at 21:51
a better translation for the word "sorry"
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