
Unlike other apps, Telegram never uses your private data to target ads. YouSponsored messages on Telegram are seeing thisbased solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored messages.

Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored
message only because someone chose thisand doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that.

Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:
Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of
public one-to many channel aschannels in which sponsored messages are displayed.

Online ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how
a space to promote their messages. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored message.

Unline other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can't spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms
tech company should respect that.

Telegram offers free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible adverticers at:
Ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how a tech compony should
operate together.
A diferenza doutras apps, Telegram nunca usa os teus datos privados para orientar anuncios. As mensaxes patrocinadas en Telegram baséanse unicamente na temática das canles públicas nos que se mostran. Isto significa que non se extraen nin analizan os datos dos usuarios para mostrar os anuncios, e todos os usuarios que ven unha canle en Telegram ven as mesmas mensaxes patrocinadas.

A diferenza doutras apps, Telegram non rastrea se tocaches unha mensaxe patrocinada e non crea un perfil a partir da túa actividade. Tamén evitamos links externos en mensaxes patrocinadas para asegurarnos de que terceiros non poidan espiar aos nosos usuarios. Cremos que todos teñen dereito á privacidade e as plataformas tecnolóxicas deberían respectar isto.

Telegram ofrece un servizo gratuíto e ilimitado por centos de millóns de usuarios, o que implica importantes custos en servidores e tráfico. Para seguir sendo independente e ser fiel aos seus valores, Telegram desenvolveu unha ferramenta de pago para promocionar mensaxes considerando a privacidade dos usuarios. Damos a benvida a anunciantes responsables en:
As mensaxes patrocinadas están actualmente en modo de proba. Unha vez que estean totalmente en marcha e permitan a Telegram cubrir os seus custos básicos, empezaremos a compartir os ingresos por publicidade cos propietarios das canles públicas nos que se mostren as mensaxes patrocinadas.

Os anuncios en liña xa non deberían ser sinónimo de violación da privacidade do usuario. Redefinamos como debe operar unha empresa tecnolóxica, xuntos.
Classy Beaver, Jan 6, 2022 at 21:15