
This page lists allBelow are the supergroups and channels from this export that you've left andor where you were banned.

Note that when you leave a channel or supergroup you've created, you have the option
to look for their data.

Note that when
either delete it, or simply leave (in case you leavewant to rejoin later, or keep the community alive despite not being a channel or supergroup you've created, you have the option to either delete it, or simply leave (in case you want to rejoin later, or keep the community alive despite not being a member).
A continuación amósanse os supergrupos e canles desta exportación dos que saíches ou onde fuches expulsado.

Ten en conta que, cando deixas unha canle ou supergrupo que creaches, tes a opción de eliminalo ou simplemente saír del (por se queres volver despois ou manter a existencia da comunidade aínda que non sexas membro).
Classy Beaver, Jun 16, 2021 at 15:07