Are you sure you want to delete theyour secret chat with **%1$s**?
क्या आप वाकईसुनिश्चित हैं कि आप **%1$s** के साथ अपने गुप्त चैट को मिये गए गुप्तटाना चैट को मिटाना चाहते हैं? ?
1 comment
Dec 21, 2021 at 16:07
Task 3
The reason for my suggestion of this change is that the other translations done, focuses on shortened version of speaking, which is a informal way, so I suggest a more formal approach for the phrase are you sure.
The reason for my suggestion of this change is that the other translations done, focuses on shortened version of speaking, which is a informal way, so I suggest a more formal approach for the phrase are you sure.
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