
Please note that Telegram Support is done by volunteers. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may take a while.

Please take a look at the <![CDATA[<a href="">Telegram FAQ</a>]]>: it has answers to most questions and important tips for <![CDATA[<a href="">troubleshooting</a>]]>.
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Zviarnicie ŭvahu, što padtrymka Telegram ažycciaŭliajecca dobraachvotnikami. My namahajemsia adkazvać jak maha chutčej, alie heta moža zaniać niejki čas.

Prahliadzicie <![CDATA[<a href="">častyja pytanni</a>]]>: tam josć adkazy na boĺšasć pytanniaŭ i važnyja parady pa <![CDATA[<a href="">vypraŭlienni niepaladak</a>]]>.
Pan Wacław Kozłowski, Dec 13, 2018 at 18:23