Suggest Frequent Contacts
Подсказка людей при поискеывать контакты
1 comment
Dec 22, 2021 at 14:27
I suggest keeping using "контакты" for consistency because it's used throughout this bloc.
Besides, "подсказка людей" sounds a bit awkward in Russian, it means more like подсказка (от кого?) людей, not подсказка (кого?) людей. So I suggest using a verb not to confuse who is suggesting what.
"При поиске" may be added if it's really needed or missed if the phrase should be short since the description under the phrase gives the neccessary info.
Besides, "подсказка людей" sounds a bit awkward in Russian, it means more like подсказка (от кого?) людей, not подсказка (кого?) людей. So I suggest using a verb not to confuse who is suggesting what.
"При поиске" may be added if it's really needed or missed if the phrase should be short since the description under the phrase gives the neccessary info.
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