Artists are welcome to add their own sticker sets using our @stickers bot.
از هنرمندان استقبال میتوانند بستشود مجموعههای استیکر خودبرچسب خودشان را با استفاده از ربات @stickers ما اضافه کنبیافزایند.
1 comment
Dec 20, 2021 at 11:26
I used "استقبال" for "welcome" to convey Telegram's encouraging artists to do something instead of using "میتوانند" that only translates to a mere "can". Also the transliterated word "استیکر" for sticker is translated to "برچسب" with a better and more intuitive meaning. The applied translation for "set" is "بسته" which is not correct. "بسته" could be used for "pack", however here "مجموعه" would be literally a better alternative although it is two letters longer. I have also omitted some unnecessary words: "using our" to further decrease the length of the translated phrase like what has been done in the applied translation.
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