
The wait is over. **Chat Folders** are here for everyone to enjoy… and **customize**.

Prefer icons? We’ve got you covered
. Chat FolderBottom tabs? No problem. Filter chats inside a folder? Swipe tab to access it as well.

Archive as folder, hiding tabs, marking folder as read, sharing folders, and more feature
s are finally here for everyone to enjoy… and customize.

You like icons? We’ve got you covered. Bottom tabs? No problem. Archive as folder, hiding tabs, marking folder as read, sharing folders, and mor
now available.
Ventingen er over. **Samtalemapper** er her så alle kan nyte… og **tilpasse**.

Foretrekker du ikoner? Det har vi fikset. Faner i bunnen? Ikke noe problem. Filtrere samtaler i en mappe? Sveip fanen for å få tilgang til det også.

Arkiver som mappe, skjul faner, marker mapper som lest, del mapper og flere andre funksjoner er nå tilgjengelige.
Fair Dog, Jun 7, 2024 at 22:49