
Choose how often members can send along each member must wait before sending their next message.
It's important that users understand from this string that the restriction is not about "only message per this interval in the group" – but rather that each member gets their own restriction, no more that one message from each member per this interval.
각 참가자가 다음 메시지를 보내기 전까지 얼마나 기다려야 할지 정하세요.
홍준, Aug 11, 2019 at 05:41
1 comment
홍준Aug 11, 2019 at 05:44Reply
그룹 전체가 아닌 개인이 기다려야 하는 시간을 정하는 설정임이 전달될 수 있도록 유의하고 번역할 것.